Big international meetup – Bitcoineta bitcoin truck

The secret about the Belgrade Bitcoin Hub is out! We organized an event that was, for the first time, advertised to the outside world through social media. We had a presentation ceremony of an honorary membership to the BBH to Prince of Serbia, a bitcoin activist and celebrity, Filip Karađorđević. Aleksandar Matanović, founder and CEO of Serbia’s biggest bitcoin exchange, ECD, held a presentation talking about the early days of bitcoin in the Balkans and his path from eGold to Bitcoin.  Bitcoin is much better. The presentations were capped of by a short talk from Pavlenex and Uncle Rockstar, instrumental contributors to the BTCpay project.  This was an amazing event with many bitcoiners from the Balkans, including the NiceHash team from Slovenia and Primal developers from Belgrade.  These are amazingly talented companies in the region contributing to the Bitcoin ecosystem in a big way.  The team behind the La Bitcoinetta also attended the event and offered various bitcoin educational materials to the attendees, including signed bitcoin books, for purchase. It was amazing to see the La Bitcoineta van parked in downtown Belgrade in one of the most busy streets of the city centre, intriguing many people passing by. This was one of our favorite events so far with lots of opportunity to network and learn something new! IDEMO!

